
7 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Colon Cancer

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Since the mid-80s, the rate of colon cancer has been slowly declining at the rate of about 1 percent per year, but it seems we always have bad news mixed in somewhere. Traditionally thought of as a disease affecting the...


6 Amazing Health Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Dry skin brushing is a beauty and health practice that is quickly growing in popularity. The Internet abounds with blogs, articles, and videos dedicated to this topic, and each point of reference regards it as a simple way to support...

Woman using a dry brush on legs.

What Is the Best Brown Rice Protein?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Although many proteins are animal or dairy based, alternative, vegetable based sources of protein exist for those who follow vegetarian, vegan, or otherwise restricted diets. Some of these include pea protein, hemp protein, and even strawberry protein. One of the...

What Is the Best Brown Rice Protein?

How Soy Affects Reproductive Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Soy milk, tofu, and meat substitutes are all the rage in the vegan and vegetarian community. These products provide all essential amino acids, making soy one of the few complete plant proteins on the planet. Despite soy’s high nutrient content,...


New Report: BPA Commonly Found on U.S. Money

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

According to a report recently released by the Washington-based group Safer Chemicals, a pro environmental lobby made up of green businesses, health care advocates, and citizen activist groups showed BPA contamination of the U.S. paper money supply. Bisphenol-A, the infamous...

New Report: BPA Commonly Found on U.S. Money

New Research Shows Probiotics Help Your Immune System

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Thanks to a recent discovery by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, we may soon have a better understanding of why the long term use of antibiotic drugs causes secondary bacterial infections over time has troubled medical...

African American woman on Laptop

Mothers' Diets Have Biggest Influence on Children Eating Healthy, Study Suggests

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Every once in a great while, a perfect child is born. One who never cries, sleeps all night, and gladly eats whatever food you choose to put in front of them. But unfortunately for most of us with children, developing...

Mothers' Diets Have Biggest Influence on Children Eating Healthy, Study Suggests

Vitamin A Deficiency in Children

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Vitamin A supplements for children could save 600,000 lives a year [1]. Current World Health Organization (WHO) estimates indicate roughly 190 million children, worldwide, under the age of five, suffer from the effects of vitamin A deficiency. These effects include...

Vitamin A Deficiency in Children

Study: Walnuts May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Research by investigators at Marshall University’s Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, in West Virginia, suggests that regularly eating a few ounces of walnuts could significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer in women [1]. For their initial study, the...

A bowl of walnuts.

Vitamin C May Be Beneficial for Asthmatic Children, Study Suggests

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Vitamin C is often thought of as a sort of wonder supplement many of us turn to it when we start to feel sick. Whether it’s orange juice to ease a cold, or fizzy tablets as a pre-flight precaution, vitamin...

Vitamin C May Be Beneficial for Asthmatic Children, Study Suggests

Study: Leafy Green Vegetables May Boost Your Immune Defenses

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Heated battles have raged across the world’s dinner tables for about as long as anyone can remember. The topic of this unending debate? Vegetables. Despite their most valiant efforts many parents still struggle with their kids about eating their nightly...

Study: Leafy Green Vegetables May Boost Your Immune Defenses

Scientists Conclude Nonhuman Animals Are Conscious Beings

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

At Global Healing, we believe in having relationships founded on respect with the world around us. This initiative includes maintaining harmony in our work environment, providing help and support to our customers via our award winning customer service team, and...

Scientists Conclude Nonhuman Animals Are Conscious Beings