
How We Got from GMO Labeling to GMO Propaganda

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

This past March, the Senate rejected a GMO-friendly bill that would’ve made clear GMO labeling optional for food producers and manufacturers. The bill, S. 2609, would’ve made GMO labeling a voluntary practice and prevented individual states from enacting their own...

This unusual strawberry is a genetically modified food. Learn how our government went from GMO labeling to GMO propaganda in just 2 months.

How the Body Uses Oxygen

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Oxygen is a colorless, odorless gas that is essential for life.[1] Life as we know it literally could not exist without oxygen. Billions of years ago there was very little oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere. Complex animal life did not, and...

Picture of a woman taking a deep breath to fill her lungs with oxygen. Oxygen is a gas that is essential for life.

What Is Ruthenium and Why Is it Important to You?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Ruthenium is a hard, metallic, chemical element that is commonly found as a rare earth metal. Ruthenium’s atomic number is 44 and its atomic weight is 101.07. It is greyish-white in color and a member of the platinum family.[1] At...

Ruthenium is a rare earth element with many purposes, including the mitigation of metal toxicity risk in humans.

Enjoy These 10 Detox Water Recipes All Year Long!

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Detox water has become a wildly popular diet craze. Many hail it as a miracle diet and think it can support weight loss. Could this be a revolutionary new way to drop pounds and trim the physique, or is it...

Many detox water recipes, like the cucumber mint detox water pictured here, are a healthy and delicious way to nourish your body all year long. Try these!

What Is Silica and How Can it Support Your Health?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Role of Silica Benefits Dangers Supplementation Silica, also known as silicon dioxide or SiO2, is a colorless, white, chemical compound. Silica is made of the most common elements on earth, silicon (Si) and oxygen (O2). It’s also the most abundant...

Marble size spheres made of silica. Silicon dioxide is a colorless, white, chemical compound. Silica is made of silicon and oxygen.

Health Benefits of Vitamin C and Best Natural Sources

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Vitamin C is an antioxidant present in many fruits and vegetables.[1] Also known as L-ascorbic acid, vitamin C has a wide variety of uses in the body. It supports normal growth and development and helps the body repair damaged tissue.[2,...

One of the benefits of Vitamin C is that it can help boost the immune system naturally.

What Is Colloidal Iodine?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Colloidal is a unique and special formulation of iodine. Created in the 1920s, colloidal iodine offers a more bioavailable form of iodine than typical compounds of sodium iodide or potassium iodide. If you're interested in the history of it, the...

Colloidal iodine

Voluntary GMO Food Labeling Law Blocked in Senate

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The trend toward GMO foods represents a major shift in our country’s nutrition. Tests are still ongoing, but many consumers consider GMOs to be a threat to their health. Recognizing this, our nation’s senators have elected to support the consumer’s...

A box of organic green and red apples. The new GMO labeling bill requires consumers to scan the QR code using their smartphones.

Orotates and Mineral Transporters

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Whenever anyone asks me what's the best way to take mineral supplements, I often give an answer they don't expect, "Orotates!" The blank looks I usually get tell me that further explanation is necessary. A few years ago, Ed Sharpe...

Orotates and mineral transporters can be quite beneficial to your health

Nascent Iodine in Vegetable Glycerin vs. Nascent Iodine in Alcohol

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

There's been much discussion lately regarding the best form of nascent iodine – glycerin based or alcohol based? Because it’s not practical or safe to simply consume pure iodine in its elemental form, it needs to be stabilized into an...

A water bubble. Vegetable glycerin based nascent iodine is the most health-promoting form of iodine available.

The 18 Best Probiotic Strains for Your Gut

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The bacteria in your gut have a huge impact on your health and well-being. They affect how well you digest food, absorb nutrients, the strength of your immune system, and the health of your small intestine and colon, and that...

Fermented foods have the best probiotics strains which are beneficial for your gut.

12 Uses For Iodine + Plus Other Tips & Resources

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The following article will give you a better understanding of the most common uses for iodine as a supplement. Iodine is an essential micronutrient that’s readily available in a wide selection of foods and in dietary supplements.[1] 12 Uses for...

A full bottle of iodine. This supplement has health benefits such as antioxidant and It's also great for skin and hair health.