
Harmful Organism Cleansing: The Health Benefits of Anamu

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Brazilians call it anamu, Peruvians call it mucura, the English refer to it as garlic guinea weed. Whatever the name, anamu, or Petiveria alliacea, is native to many parts of South America, Mexico, Texas, Florida, and the Caribbean. Anamu has...

Anamu Petiveria alliacea

The Harmful Organism Cleansing Benefits of Black Walnut Hull

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Black walnut, or juglans nigra, is a tree that thrives in low, very moist and warm environments along the eastern seaboard from Florida to Texas and north up through the Dakotas to Ontario. Its wood is dark reddish-brown and has...

black walnuts

The Benefits of Simarouba amara for Harmful Organism Cleansing

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Simarouba amara is a tree found in the wet and rainy areas of the Amazon. Having both functional and therapeutic uses, the wood is used for paper and construction and the compounds within the bark and leaves have a long...

Simarouba amara

7 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Seeds can be a fantastic source of nutrition and pumpkin seeds are among the best. The pumpkin is a member of the squash family and it's native to North and Central America. Its seeds have been used by Native Americans...

A jar of pumpkin seeds.

Benefits of Tourmaline Gemstone

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Tourmaline gemstone is a semi-precious mineral similar to granite. With colors ranging from magenta to teal-blue, meadow-green to vibrant yellow, and even black, tourmaline gets its name from the Singhalese phrase "tura mali," which means, "stone mixed with vibrant colors."...

Tourmaline gemstone can help eliminate toxic metals.

7 Facts You May Not Know About Coconut Oil

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Cultures and countries across the world use and appreciate the coconut tree. Because of its nutritional and therapeutic values, it's referred to as "Kalpavriksha" (the all-giving tree) in India. As the name implies, the coconut palm is exceptionally versatile and...

A woman holding a halved coconut shell.

What are Rope Worms?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If you're eating right now, maybe you should set your food aside for a moment. Today's topic, rope worms, isn't especially appetizing. While parasite biology is not for the squeamish, the importance of this subject cannot be understated. Rope worm,...

A tied up line representing rope warm. Rope worms may be a byproduct of GMO present in food.

12 Interesting Facts About Nail Fungal Infections

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

A nail fungal infection, or onychomycosis, is a fungal imbalance that affects the fingernails and toenails. [1] The most common symptom is a thickening and discoloration of the nail to yellow, green, and even black. As the concern progresses, the...

A person's feet. Recent statistics shows that least 5% of people suffer from nail fungus infection and it's common with age.

8 Benefits of Dextrin

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Dextrin is a natural fiber with a lot to offer. It can support your body’s ability to remove wastes. Fiber may also support satiation and healthy weight loss. Dextrin also has the ability to lower the glycemic load of a...


5 Things You Must Know About Colloidal Silver

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Colloidal silver has been used for centuries to promote good health and studies continue to also show that colloidal silver outperforms many mainstream methods used against harmful organisms. [1] With so many cases of antibiotic resistance, it's no wonder why...

A silver layer. Studies have shown that colloidal silver outperforms many mainstream methods used against harmful organisms.

How Colloidal Silver Combats Harmful Organisms

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Two thousand years ago, the Greeks and Romans used silver containers to hold and protect perishable liquids against harmful organisms. Silver containers were used until the invention of refrigeration to protect food liquids, such as milk, from spoiling. Using silver...

How Colloidal Silver Combats Harmful Organisms

What Is Diatomaceous Earth?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Diatomaceous earth (also called diatomite) is an off-white sedimentary rock that has been granulated into a chalky powder-like substance akin to talcum powder. It derives from fossilized remains of something called diatoms, which are a type of prehistoric tough-shelled, single-celled...
