20 Health Conditions That Mimic ADHD
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactive disorder, is diagnosed through mere observation of symptoms and not by any sort of scientific testing. There are no brain scans, blood tests, or biological readings to determine the presence of ADHD, just a myriad...

3 Mental Health Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
A perennial, therapeutic plant commonly referred to as "golden root", Rhodiola rosea has long been associated with a slew of physical and mental health benefits. While public awareness of Rhodiola rosea is largely very quiet, an increasing subset of people...

Report: Electromagnetic Pollution is Harmful to Mental Health
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
There are 190,000 cell phone towers in the US, and new evidence suggests that exposure to these towers may alter brain function. The study, recently published in the British Medical Journal, found that EMF pollution can cause irritability, insomnia, difficulty...

The Benefits of Mulungu Bark for Mental Health
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Life is full of stressful moments and situations. Nobody is immune to occasional mood disturbances and anxiety. However, just because you're stressed isn't necessarily a good reason to resort to powerful medications. Many medicines-for-your-mind have horrible side effects that are...

5 More Mental Health Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Life has its ups and its downs, and no one is immune from the mental effects of challenging times. Fortunately, whether you're feeling down, anxious, or just wish to maintain a steady mood, natural approaches do exist. Getting adequate sleep...

Top 9 Herbs for Mental Health
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Ever find yourself unable to remember what you did just two minutes ago? Or maybe you experience brain fog more often than you’d like. These days it seems to happen more frequently to all of us. Information overload, stress, and...

The Rise of the Obesogens
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Diet advice as it pertains to weight gain has been simple – take in than you can burn off and you'll gain weight. The calorie in, calorie out approach to weight loss is not only outdated, it’s also ineffective in...

Does Vitamin D Toxicity Exist?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Vitamin D is one of the most important and most misunderstood vitamin of our time, and many people simply aren't receiving enough. Most people are deficient in vitamin D due to lack of sunlight exposure. We're modern-day cavemen, trapped in...

What Is the Pineal Gland?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
The pineal gland is a small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland located near the center of the brain between the two hemispheres. It’s small, only 5-8mm, and is sometimes visible in head scans as calcification can occur due to toxin or fluoride...

How Does Gluten Affect the Brain?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
The widespread occurrence of gluten sensitivity, wheat allergies and celiac disease have been well documented. Many of the related concerns such as gastrointestinal discomfort (IBS), rashes, concerns with nutrient absorption and bone loss have been reported and observed. Fortunately for...

Do You Know These 9 Facts About Gluten?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Gluten sensitivities and gluten intolerance are on the rise, making gluten a very popular topic. Because it's a subject with many facets, here are 9 facts for you to consider to make a sound, rational decision as to whether you...

Probiotics and Gluten-Free Foods for Celiac Disease Diet
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Bowel diseases are numerous and unpleasant. Among them, celiac disease is perhaps one of the strangest and least understood. The condition is believed to stem from an abnormal reaction of the small intestines to gluten proteins, which triggers a sort...