Top Tips & Must-Dos for Keto Over 40

If you've been aware of the keto diet out there, you know that it's a very trendy topic. However, there is a lot of misinformation out there. So tune in and I'm going to be revealing a lot of the things that most people are not talking about. I’ll also reveal the dos: tips and tricks on how you can maximize the effects of your keto diet if you're over 40.
Read the transcription or watch the video below to learn the must-dos for keto over 40!

Must-Dos for Keto Over 40
Length: 7 minutes
Some of the things we’re going to cover include:
- How does keto work?
- If you're on a keto diet and you're over 40, are you doing anything wrong?
- What are some of the tips and tricks?
- What do you need to look for?
What to Eat on a Keto Diet
So, what I'd like to do is clear up a few things. If you're starting or if you're already on a keto diet and you're over 40, congratulations! Because you're really reducing your carbohydrate intake.
I've been saying for years that one of the root causes of negative health conditions is all the gluten, bread, carbohydrates, sugars, rice, potatoes, and pasta that we consume. These are some of the most damaging things to the human body.
By the time you're 40, in our research, you've accumulated a lot of toxic buildup within your system. One of my best tricks if you're on a keto diet and over 40, is taking a little step back, and cleansing and healing the gut. We know now that all disease starts in the gut and all health begins in the gut.
Even if you're on a keto diet — depending on what type of foods you're eating — I don't recommend high levels of fat or meat that other keto proponents are recommending.
Instead, I recommend more raw nuts and seeds, avocados, low-glycemic fruits, low-glycemic vegetables, and doing a 100 percent vegetarian keto diet. But if you are factoring in and adding meat, it should only be a very small percentage of your keto diet.
Tips & Tricks for Your Keto Journey
Below are my top tips and tricks for supercharging your keto diet and finding lasting results.
The Importance of Cleansing
I recommend doing an intestinal cleanse — it doesn't have to be intense — using an oxygen-based cleanser and utilizing some good probiotics on your keto diet. When you're going to be eating more fats, it's very important for your liver to be clean. What I've found in the majority of people over 40, is that their liver is only working at about 25 percent [capacity].
I highly recommend that to supercharge your keto diet, you do a liver cleanse — maybe even two liver cleanses. That way, not only are you increasing your liver's ability to process fats, but you're also cleansing your liver of 40 years of toxic gunk that might be inside of it. It's amazing the energy that you feel, the digestion that you get, the processing, and the availability of your nutrients with cleansing.
When you're talking about a keto diet, you basically have fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. When the bowel cannot process and digest all of those properly and the liver cannot break the nutrients down properly, that can cause you to start developing toxemia. The proteins turn putrefactive, the carbohydrates might ferment, fats turn rancid, and that leads to negative health conditions.
Implementing Intermittent Fasting
The next thing that I would recommend to supercharge your keto diet would be intermittent fasting. As a society, we eat too much. There were doctors in the 1930s and 1940s that were saying we eat 10 times the amount of food that our body actually needs.
Now, people always say, "I'm running out of energy," which is another good reason the keto diet works if you're doing it for short periods of time, or if you modify to where you really understand how to live on a vegetarian keto-based diet.
One thing that you can do, which I highly recommend if you're on a ketogenic diet over 40, is to fast one day a week — specifically a 24-hour water fast.
Another option is intermittent fasting, which would mean you would skip one meal out of the day. I recommend skipping breakfast if you're doing intermittent fasting and eating between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. or noon and 6:00 p.m.
Just reducing the amount of food in your system is going to speed up the results tremendously. Whatever you're doing your ketogenic fasting or diet for, you're always going to get better results if you're not eating as much as you normally eat.
Develop an Exercise Routine
Another tip that I would throw in there is exercise. Move around! When your body is in ketosis — when your body is using ketones instead of glucose for fuel — then you're going to have more energy, so get out a little bit more.
Just try increasing your exercise levels by 10 to 25 percent. It doesn't have to be hard exercise. For example, you could go for a walk or walk up the stairs at your office. Just do more movement. The body is meant to move. By increasing your movement, you're going to supercharge your ketogenic diet, especially if you're over 40.
It's also really good for your bones and your muscles. When you turn 40, you might be atrophied. You might have that extra 20 or 30 pounds of weight on you. You might have some osteoporosis starting to come in or a bone density issue. You might not be able to exercise as much because you might have kids. Or sometimes if you have kids, you actually exercise more!
We know everybody's different, everybody lives in a different environment, everybody's exposed to different stress levels, different diets, so it's always good to experiment a little.
Shop Organic
One of my secrets that I always tell people if they're going to go on any diet, especially a keto diet, is to make sure that you choose organic-only and non-GMO foods.
What you don't want to do is put genetically modified foods in your body because you want to keep your bowel healthy during a keto diet. You want to keep your liver healthy during a keto diet and you want to keep your mind focused during a keto diet. And that's why you want to relieve or get away from any type of stressors.
Points to Remember
Cleansing, fasting, exercising, and eating organic are my top tips for the keto diet over 40. There are tons of low-carb vegetarian foods to incorporate into your diet, as well as fun recipes to try!
Start changing your life today. Learn about how you can clean up your environment. Learn about the root cause of disease. Learn about how you can keep the inside of your body clean.
Please remember, you have the ability to heal yourself. You have a self-healing mechanism within you. And you have the power to live healthy and happy!
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

Dr. Edward Group, DC
FOUNDER | HEALER | ADVOCATEDr. Group, DC is a healer and alternative health advocate, and an industry leader and innovator in the field of natural health who is dedicated to helping others. He is a registered doctor of chiropractic (DC), a naturopathic practitioner (NP), and proud alum of Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management. Dr. Group, DC is the founder of Global Healing – a mission and vision he has shared through best-selling books and frequent media appearances. He aims to spread his message of positivity, hope, and wellness throughout the world.