10 Health Dangers of Bromine
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Bromine is a chemical compound frequently used in flame retardants, baking ingredients, cell phones, plastic, dye, soda, and prescription drugs. Despite the warnings from the Centers for Disease Control about the serious, long-term health effects from constant exposure, use of...
The Truth About Male Menopause
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Menopause isn't a subject most guys are interested in. Hormonal imbalances, hot flashes, night sweats – that's all woman stuff... right? Wrong! Sorry men, there is more than a mountain of evidence to show that the phase of life sometimes...
What is Acrylamide? 12 Facts You Have to Know
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Toxic substances like high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and trans fats have polluted our food supply for over a century. But, at least the ingredient label will tell you when they're present. This isn't always the case. You need to...
How to Protect Your House from Harmful EMF Radiation
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
A century ago, the use of electricity was minimal and exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) was limited. Most homes only generated electrical and magnetic fields in the range of 50-60 Hz. Today, humans and animals are practically bathing in EMF...
The Best Clothing to Protect Against EMF/RF Radiation
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
In our society, technology permeates the workplace. School campuses, homes, and everywhere, really, more and more people are bombarded with constant EMF (electromagnetic field) and RF (radio frequency) overexposure. Ever notice how many WiFi network signals your laptop picks up?...
Study: Cell Phone Radiation May Vary According to Brand
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Many consumers are unaware that different cell phones emit different amounts of harmful radiation, particularly when used close to the ear and head. And, the debate as to whether radiation from these cell phones are directly linked to cancer has...
The Growing Concern of Cell Phone Radiation & Your Safety
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
This is a heartbreaking story. The Fresno Bee, a newspaper based in central California's San Joaquin Valley, published a very personal story about the dangers of cell phone radiation [1]. Former Fresno State University football coach Dan Brown passed away...
Cellphone App Claims to Measure How Much Radiation Is Coming From Your Cell Phone
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
If growing news coverage of the potential dangers of cellphone radiation has you concerned, you're not alone. Before it was put on "indefinite hold", the City of San Francisco tried to enact a controversial new law which would require cell...
The Top 5 Herbs for Controlling Mood Swings
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Whether you have a short temper or just can’t seem to optimize your mental clarity, mood swings and emotional distress can be a serious situation to deal with. Thankfully, a number of herbs can assist you in your fight against...
The Health Benefits of Golden Berries
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Golden berries, also known as Physalis peruviana, is South American fruit that's highly concentrated with nutrients and bioactive compounds. In Colombia, the delicious golden berry is an important international export and prominent local food. [1] The plant has been used...
9 Must Know Facts About Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Bacopa monnieri, a plant commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine, has an age-old reputation for being an effective and powerful herb helpful for memory and combating stress. Bacopa monnieri, known to most as Brahmi, acts as an adaptogen; which means it...
Is Lithium Orotate Good or Bad for You?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
The health benefits of lithium orotate are causing an explosion in its popularity. I've been an advocate of lithium orotate for quite some time and have incorporated into some of my own formulations. A friend of mine, Dr. Mark Millar,...