
What's the Difference Between Folate & Folic Acid?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

It's a common question — what is the difference between folate and folic acid? Is folate the same as folic acid? It can be confusing because, depending on where you look, the terms are used interchangeably. And, you may also...

A bowl of spinach leaves, which is a food high in folate.

The 7 Best Vegetarian Foods for Selenium

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Selenium is a powerful trace mineral that everyone requires for good health. Along with iodine, selenium is great for the thyroid. It supports the immune system and it's a powerful antioxidant.[1, 2] Adults require at least 55 micrograms a day...

A group of mushrooms piled in a wooden tabletop.

What Is Manopause? 5 Facts Every Man Should Know

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Manopause, also known as andropause or male menopause, is the term used to describe the changes in hormone production that men experience as they age. The effects can be profound. Hormone levels affect mental and physical health, and sex drive,...

Manopause Behavior

Environmental Working Group Starts Petition to Keep Azodicarbonamide Out of Food

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

There's been a lot of discussion lately about azodicarbonamide, also known as ADA. It's an industrial chemical used in the plastics industry to produce small gas bubbles; almost like carbonated plastic. It's what makes yoga mats and flip flops strong,...

Sign EWG's Petition for Azodicarbonamide Removal

How to Protect Yourself from Laptop Radiation

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Have you ever felt head fog while using your laptop or cell phone? Did getting up and getting away from it for a few minutes provide much needed clarity? It may be as simple as needing a break… or you...

Laptop Emitting Radiation

Electrolytes: What Are They & Why Are They So Good For Us?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Electrolytes are ionic solutions (salts), existing in nature in the form of minerals. Electrolytes are responsible for keeping the body properly hydrated so the muscles and nerves can function properly. Since the human body is composed mostly of water, it...

Electrolytes can be found in foods such as artichokes and carrots.

Effects of Pesticides

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If a word has the suffix "cide" in it, you know it's meant to kill something. Pesticides are designed to eliminate insects, weeds, fungi, bacteria, and other things that feed on crops, spread disease, are a nuisance, or destroy property....

A farmer spreading pesticides on the crops to kill insects, weeds, fungi, and bacteria.

Research: TV Food Advertisements Promote Unhealthy Diets

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Shocking new research published earlier this year in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reveals that consuming only the foods most heavily advertised on television makes for an unhealthy diet.[1] All jokes aside, the details that the research provides...

Research: TV Food Advertisements Promote Unhealthy Diets

What Is Coral Calcium?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Calcium supplements have become very popular and are generally thought to be an effective way to promote healthy bone density. Indeed, calcium does have benefits but it's important to understand there are various forms of calcium and they all behave...

Coral calcium helps protect the colon and improve sleep.

Is Eating Meat Bad For The Environment?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

We've all heard the debate about eating meat and how it may have a negative effect on the environment. Here are a few reasons why eating an excessive amount of meat may be causing more harm to our planet than...

A table with red meat and mixed vegetables. Meatless Monday can help reduce the negative effect on the environment.

9 Tips for Reducing Indoor Air Pollution

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Just as you drink pure water, isn't it vital to ensure the air you breathe is also clean? Everyone can benefit from breathing cleaner air, and many people suffer horribly because of air pollution. It's common for people to spend...

An open window creates circulation that can help reduce indoor air pollution.

Why Agave Nectar Is Not Worse Than High-Fructose Corn Syrup

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

A couple days ago, Dr. Mercola published an article on Agave Nectar stating that it is an unsafe, toxic substance.[1] In his article, it is implied that agave nectar could even be worse for the body than many forms of...

A bowl of agave nectar.