Heartburn Relief at Home: 11 Easy, Effective Remedies & Tips
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
You recognize that feeling, a slight burp followed by a chestful of fire. Heartburn. It can be so uncomfortable that many people have even confused it for a heart attack. Also known as acid reflux, indigestion, or pyrosis, heartburn is...

How to Be Happy & Live a More Fulfilled Life
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
I ask people how much of your day are you working on you? And very few people spend time working on themselves. What is the secret to happiness? Oh, gosh. If there were a secret to happiness, I would hope...

13 Ways to Improve Memory Naturally
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Why can’t I recall her name? Where is my cell phone? I just had it! What was I supposed to buy at the grocery store? When older adults notice their memory slipping, it’s natural to feel frustrated or nervous. You...

Overnight Colon Cleanse: Easy Protocol & Colon Cleanse Advice
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
We all overeat from time to time. It's something that happens naturally throughout life! When you overindulge, especially at night, your body responds in several ways. In this article, we'll explore what happens to your body when you overeat, as...

Family Detox: How to Cultivate a Toxin-Free Home & Lifestyle
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview How To Detox Additonal Tips Today I'm going to discuss how you could achieve a clean and healthy body and a toxin-free home without feeling tired, sick, overwhelmed or even spending a lot of money. Make sure you watch...

Importance of Self Care – Dr. Group, DC’s Holistic & Effective Method
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Becoming more mentally, physically, and spiritually strong is possible with the tools and the guidance that I'm going to give you today. Let's talk about why self-care is important — how can you achieve amazing mental and physical health without...

Turmeric Teeth Whitening: Does This Really Work?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Teeth Whitening Recipe Other Uses Potential Side Effects Are there healthy ways to whiten your teeth? You bet there are! For a more natural alternative to over-the-counter or dental teeth whitening, consider using turmeric! The vibrant orange-yellow hue of the...

Anti-Aging in 4 Steps: A Holistic and Natural Approach
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
As you get older, life should be like a stroll, not a series of constant challenges. Every year you should feel great and look good as you enjoy a high quality of life. Contrary to the myths that senility, sexual...

What Is CBD Oil? Everything You Need to Know!
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview CBD & Your Body Benefits Types A natural oil that has many benefits and some controversies? CBD is a trending product that you can find in many different markets. Now, you can find CBD in gummies, tinctures, baked goods,...

Vegan Diet: Best Vegan-Friendly Foods & Diet Plan
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Foods to Eat Foods to Avoid Benefits Lifestyle Considerations Whether it's for health reasons or an ethical choice, the decision to shift to a vegan diet can feel empowering. For some of us, it is no easy feat to...

Zinc Health Benefits: Healthy Skin, Immune Support, & More
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Benefits Food Sources Supplements Around 120 B.C., a Roman shipping vessel sank off the coast of Tuscany. Two millennia later, archeologists dug up the shipwreck. The most surprising find? The team uncovered a 2,000-year-old cabinet containing undamaged tablets made of...

Valerian Root for Sleep & Anxiety: 5 Calming Benefits Explained
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Sleep Benefits Anxiety Benefits Sources A great night’s rest does wonders for the soul. Every night, thousands of body processes get to work, restoring your body and mind to a more healthful state. But when you can’t sleep? There’s...