
13 Common Foods That Can Cause Constipation

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Most health authorities define constipation as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week. In my experience as a health care professional, I believe this to be a gross underestimate and a telling indication of just how unhealthy the...

Eggs and cheeses are foods that cause constipation.

How to Fast Safely: Considerations Before Starting a Fast

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If you haven’t done the research, you might find yourself wondering if fasting is safe. You may have heard from people who’ve never even tried it that it’s crazy, dangerous, or just pointless. And yet, for thousands of years, many...

An individual on a ledge celebrating. There are many ways to plan and prepare fast safely.

What Is Alternate Day Fasting?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Alternate day fasting (ADF) is a type of intermittent fasting in which you alternate between “fast days,” when you consume very few or zero calories, and “feed days” when you eat as much as you like. When done correctly, ADF...

Alternate day fasting is a great way to lose weight and encourage longevity.

The Link Between B12, Brain Function, and Memory

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Due to vitamin B12’s association with energy metabolism, you might wonder what purpose it serves in your brain’s health and memory. There are a few complex roles that this B vitamin participates in — beyond releasing energy — that play...

Green vines on a wall shaped like a human head. B-12 is good for memory and overall brain health.

Benefits of Aloe Vera

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Nutrition Facts Benefits Forms Although the gel of the plant is famous for its ability to take the sting and heat out of a sunburn, the beneficial properties of aloe vera, Aloe barbadensis, reach much further than skin deep. Ancient...

Vitamins and Minerals Are Among the Many Benefits of Aloe Vera.

The Fasting Diet: Tips for a Successful Fast

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

A fasting diet is a nutritional therapy involving either full or partial caloric restriction. There are many ways you can prepare yourself for a fast. In this article, I’ll give you the tips and tricks that’ll help you successfully reach...

A bottle of lemon water. Fasting diet results may vary depending on the individual.

Iron Toxicity: All You Need to Know About Iron Overdose

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

We need iron to live. Without it, our red blood cells wouldn’t be able to carry oxygen through our blood. Iron plays essential roles in energy metabolism, hormone synthesis, growth, development, brain function, immune activity, and cellular function.[1, 2] However,...

Iron toxicity can negatively affect the digestive system.

Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Following a healthy diet is one of the most effective measures you can take to support your health and well-being, and the carbohydrates you eat can make or break you. The right ones will provide slow, steady-release energy along with...

Good carbs vs bad carbs. Image with a bowl of nuts.

Biofilms in the Body

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Long before you became a part of your community and, hopefully, a contributing member of society, there were the original communities, which were made of networks of bacteria. The inhabitants of these worked together to ensure the survival of as...

Biofilms form in the different areas like the appendix, mouth, lungs and the colon.

Heme Iron Vs. Nonheme Iron: What's the Difference?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Not all iron is created equally, and if you have an iron imbalance, you should carefully consider which iron is best for your health. Your body recognizes the difference between heme and nonheme iron sources and will absorb each type...

Nonheme iron is sourced from healthier foods than Heme iron

The Health Benefits of Probiotics

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Benefits How They Work Strains Foods Supplementation Side Effects Gut health is a balancing act. Stress, toxins, and a bad diet can upset the balance and throw your whole digestive system into complete disarray. Probiotics are one key to keeping...

Sauerkraut is an excellent source of probiotics.

Toxic Chemical: The Health Dangers of Chlorine

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Chlorine is a naturally occurring element and, as part of the literal salt of the earth, very abundant. Humans have harnessed chlorine and most commonly use it for disinfecting purposes. Unfortunately, chlorine's potential toxicity is not limited to mold and...

A swimming pool. Chlorine is commonly found in swimming pool and can be very dangerous for your health.