6 Facts About the Food-Mood Connection
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Next to water and air, food is the most necessary thing in our lives. But beyond its status as a necessity, food can be comforting, nourishing, and supportive. It can bring people together and even provide a sense of community....

How Pollution Affects the Gut Microbiome
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Pollutants pervade almost every aspect of our environment. Air pollution is one of the biggest threats, and water pollution comes in at a very close second. Even the pollutants in our foods are contributing to a myriad of health concerns....

4 Shocking Facts About Acid Reflux
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
You probably hear a lot about acid reflux, or perhaps you suffer from it yourself. But what exactly is acid reflux? Well, right at your stomach opening is a valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Normally, the LES opens...

How Turmeric Supports Weight Loss
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
A healthy weight loss program only produces sustaining results when exercise is combined with the right dietary approach. There are other components that play a role, such as sleep and sunlight exposure, but certain foods could really give your weight...

3 Reasons to Avoid Food Additives
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Food additives are added to food during processing, typically to enhance color or freshness. While some of them are natural, many aren’t and all those unnatural additives have nasty side effects. Think about the artificial sweeteners hiding in diet soft...

Trans Fat Ban Here to Stay
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
The controversy surrounding trans fats has very little to do with their existence; after all, trans fats exist in nature in small amounts. What's really troubling is that they have continued to exist in the food supply for years, even...

Your Ancestors Didn't Sleep the Way You Do
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Nobody questions the importance of getting enough sleep. At minimum, it's essential for rejuvenating the mind and revitalizing the body. But, what is enough? And what does it look like? Many people find they wake during the night and wonder...

How Meat Is Toxic for Your Colon
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Meat in its natural state is not totally harmful. The thing is, we don't often get it in its natural state, and common preparation methods for the food makes it even worse for human health. Consider the changes that cows...

The Vicious Truth About Antidepressants and Violent Behavior
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
The brain is a complex organ, controlling our actions, cells, and emotions. When we mess with the brain, either inadvertently or with pharmaceutical medications, we can only expect a negative consequence in the process. If our body is exposed to...

3 Artificial Sweeteners to Avoid
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Artificial sweeteners are everywhere, and if you’re like me, you avoid them at all costs. Things like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin can be found in a variety of processed diet foods; however, even some foods you wouldn’t expect contain these...

The Hidden Toxins In Your Clothing
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Increased consumer awareness around the dangers of synthetic dyes, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and phthalates in conventional clothing is fueling a drastic revolution in the fashion industry and popular clothing stores, like H&M, Levi’s, and the Gap, are beginning to turn...

The Paleo Cardiologist by Dr. Jack Wolfson
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
The Paleo diet, a lifestyle approach deriving its beliefs from ancient dietary practices mixed with modern scientific ideas, has seen a surge of interest over the past few years. Just as there are many variations of a standard vegan or...